Darin Persinger

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Three Keys to Consistency

Three Keys to Consistency. 

1. Look for Sustainability

Before you even start, think about how you want this thing and how far you want this thing to go.

Are you just dipping your toe in the water and flirting with an idea?

It's totally okay to do that, but don't get sidetracked with these little side quests and be pulled off your main mission.

If you're going to do something and it's attached to the main mission look at how you can sustain this.

That means that you are showing up on a consistent and regular basis. You have to have some sort of rhythm to it and you have to have some sort of ritual in place to keep you going in the right direction.

 2. Simplify Everything

What is the ultimate base form that you need to get this done?

Don't add in anything extra and don't start with making it complicated. If you're gonna do a marketing message, I wouldn't encourage you to start a podcast, videos or doing live stream unless that would be the simplest thing for you to do. Maybe the simplest thing for you to do is just grab your phone and do a live stream and start talking to your audience, fantastic!

But maybe the simplest thing for you to do is just start writing a post every single day.

Simplify everything. 

3. Season Sparingly 

If you're cooking and you're gonna dump a bunch of pepper, salt, some oregano,  basil, and cumin in your dish — all of a sudden this seasoning is overpowering the main flavor of the meal that you're trying to cook.

Your main dish should be able to survive on its own. The seasoning should bring out the flavor, not cover up the flavor and the only thing you taste.

But a lot of time with our marketing, even our health, we over season things.

Before we do a specific thing, we are trying to put all the stuff needed that sometimes overwhelming, like well I can't work out until I have this type of workout clothes and these types of bands, these types of weights and I get this type of music and this wrist thing and this chest thing - to analyze this and do this, don't over seasoned and let the main thing be the main thing.

Don’t make things too complex.



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