Focus On The First Priority - Goal Setting - Productivity Nugget #030

Goal Setting - The Domino - Focus On The First ThingIn this Productivity Nugget I talk about how having just one main goal or priority... to focus on one thing will help simplify your business and life. What's your Domino (AKA, Your First Priority)?

In today’s Productivity Nugget:

  • 0:15 Getting things lined up
  • 0:41 The Domino Effect
  • 0:53 What is that one thing
  • 0:59 You are making things to complicated
  • 1:14 Goals should be able to fit on one page
  • 1:27 Then how  make it even more simple
  • 1:38 Push that one thing that takes down every other goal
  • 1:53 An example of running around pushing down a bunch of random goals
  • 2:12 What happens when you get your goals lined up


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