Stop Struggling With Facebook Page Engagement

Why do most Facebook pages fail to get engagement?

Everyone knows and you've heard it from everyone that the key to a successful Facebook page is to create content that gets engagement.

But why do so many Facebook pages fail to get engagement?

If you're a real estate agent and you'd like more leads, more referrals, more closed transactions, but you're struggling to get engagement with your Facebook page, and you're wondering if you should just give up on trying to use your Facebook page.

Maybe you're looking for another platform like TikTok, or maybe just trying to figure out a new method, some other strategy.

You want to read this article to get the five keys to using a Facebook page to increase your business, plus how to get access to a free guide, we call it the Page Promoter Plan to help you with your overall content strategy using Facebook pages.

5 Keys For Real Estate Facebook Page Success

Key 1. Don’t Even Worry About Engagement 

If you're worried about engagement…

If you’re focused on engagement…

If you're stressing yourself out to come up with content that is engaging to create that engaging content…


You're not going to win that battle.

If you take a look at the stats, this is from Statistia, this is 4th quarter of 2020 and based upon my experience, data on engagement with social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, whatever it is, tend to go down over time not increase. So this data from Statistia is 4th quarter of 2020 and what they're showing us is that engagement for page followers is .19% and then maybe you've been told, use video, get on video, video is the key to everything. If you're not doing video, you're dying better yet, maybe you should even go live. If we take a look at the data on the engagement ratio, there were at .26% on the video engagement. So don't even worry about the engagement. 

Key 2. Stock It

I called this stock it because they'll stock it. Now, even though I'm saying don't worry about engagement, we don't want to give up on posting content on our Facebook page.

What we found is once we do get traffic to the page, once we get visitors, if you're not posting there at all, then they'll see one piece of content that brought them there and they don't see anything posted since 2019, they're gonna skip out on it. 

If you take a look at just the way that we consume content right now, Netflix, and the idea of bingeing content applies to a lot of different platforms. So once you get them to the page, they're going to binge your content or what I call stock it. They're going to find the one piece and they're going to start scrolling through.

We get messages, we get contacts from things that we posted a year ago, two years ago, or three years ago. So make sure that you're still posting, just don't worry about the engagement. Stock it, because they're going to stock it.

Key 3. Buy The Cow

Facebook is not going to give away the milk for free because they want you to buy the cow, meaning, it's “Paid to Play”.

On your personal profile, engagement, that's a completely different thing. But when you take a look at pages, that data, the stats of it, what we just see personally and from our experience, engagement is going down, down and down because they want pages to pay in order for that content to be seen.

And another thing to look at on why I think you should be okay with buying the cow to go ahead and do the pay to play, If you take a look at your desktop or your mobile app, when it comes to Facebook, you'll see a little flag icon at the bottom of it on your mobile at the top of it on your desktop. That little flag icon represents pages and Facebook is starting to move newsfeeds into separate things.

So if you want to watch video, then you go to the watch newsfeed. If you want to see your friends and your family, then you go to your personal newsfeed. If you want to see marketplace, you go to marketplace and pages, you go to pages. So it's my guess that over time you're going to even see less in less pages in your personal newsfeed, even if you're engaging with things, even if you're liking, commenting, I think Facebook wants that all separated out because one of the reasons is the more newsfeeds that they can have, the more ads, the more things that they can stuff in there in order to generate revenue, and that's what they are.

Do not be afraid to buy the cow.

Key 4. Keep It Simple

It should not take you hours a week to come up with ideas, to create your content, to post your content. You shouldn't need hours to do this. You shouldn't need to pay an outside vendor or service in order to give you content that you can post this.

To invest hours and dollars for something where we know the engagement is so low, probably not the best use of this.

We should keep it simple.

Let's just get content up there so that we can do some other things to get traffic there. That's how we came up with our Page Promoter Plan.

What can we do to keep this thing really simple?

We have it stocked that when people show up, they get to see that we're there. They get to know a little bit about us. They get to get some insights, ideas. They understand that we know the market, we know the area.

So if you want access to what the Page Promoter Plan actually is head to, it’s the way to keep it simple and that you can post content. Don't have to spend hours a week on it and, and dollars to vendors and services.

Key 5. Generate Conversations

Instead of focusing on engagement, we believe our philosophy is generate conversations. If you take a look at our overall pipeline, we call it the Perpetual Pipeline, one of our main things is how can we get into conversations. We believe that conversations lead to conversions. I think a lot of real estate agents look at how do I generate leads and then how do I convert the leads.

We focus on how can we have conversations, how can we generate conversations, the conversations lead to the conversions.

Now, Facebook actually has an incredible tool in order to generate those conversations and that is messenger and we end up converting more of our leads, having more conversations that lead to conversions that lead to appointments inside messenger than we do on phone call, email or text. So whether that is organic, that we're asking people, we're purposely asking people and giving out our messenger link where when we're running ads, we're having that little button down the bottom that says click here to message us.

So the fifth key is we want to generate conversations. The conversations is what leads to the appointments, to the leads, to the referrals, to the clients.

And just one last thought on generating conversations, what we've seen is that true buyers and sellers, they understand how Facebook works. They understand that if they comment or like something that it shows up in their feed, that their friends and family and co-workers can see what it is that they're doing on Facebook also.


The big takeaway from that, is that true buyers and sellers don't want people to know what they're up to until they've done it. They don't want to be getting tips on getting their home ready for sale or checking out market stats because their boss might see what it is that they're doing and that raises some red flags. If they're looking to get a new job and move out of the area.

So this is why conversations can stay private. It's the best way to convert instead of letting the world know exactly what they're up to, when they're not ready to let people know what they're up to.

The big takeaway that I have for you is I don't want you to abandon your Facebook page. It could be one of your best assets, but you want to find a strategy that doesn't rely entirely on engagement and then be ready to amplify your content with a couple of dollars here and there. Be okay with buying the cow.

And a quick reminder to get that free workbook that free guide, the Page Promoter Plan, head to I got things to do. And so do you.


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