How To Write Your Own Bio & About Page If You're Not A Narcissist

This is for anyone that has to write their own bio or about page to your website, Instagram, Facebook page and on all different places where you were supposed to write those things.

It's a little bit easier to write it if you're a narcissist or a good copywriter.

But if you’re struggling to write your own bio or about page, because you’re not a narcissist or professional copywriter… here are three quick tips.   

  1. Do not write do not write your own bio unless you are a narcissist and good at copywriter.

    Even if you’re a narcissist or a good copywriter it doesn't mean you're going to write a good bio or good about page. I think I’m pretty good as a copywriter and I think fairly high on the narcissist spectrum so I can get away with writing my own bio and doing my own about page. But if you're not a good copywriter and you're not a narcissist, don't even think about writing your own bio or about page.

  2. Turn to someone personal like your spouse or someone close to you on the personal side and ask them for the first draft.

    I believe that a good bio or a good about page leans more on the personal side than it does to the professional side.

    Maybe they don't even know you professionally and they don't really know what it is that you do or the skills that you have or how you can help someone, but that's totally okay when it comes to your about page or bio.

    We want to make a connection and the personal side is going to make the connection more the professional side.

    After that first draft, then you can edit it and add in any of the professional things or skills that you think matter to your audience.

  3. Ask someone professional one level (up or down) to you to write a draft of your bio or about page.

    One level up or one level down or peers next to you.

    Don't go to your boss's boss or the CEO. Go to your team leader, your manager or even the front desk personnel and ask them to write your bio or about page for you because they probably know you better than your broker.

    You just can't be two or three levels away from the person you ask. It has to be someone who actually knows you and ask them to write that first draft and then you take it from there what they give you and edit it, tweak it, mold it, shape it and add the skills that you think are missing from there.

There are three tips on writing your own bio or about page.

Your about page is easy to struggle with, easy to procrastinate on, and it is important, but it’s not going to make or break you. So it get it done and move on to things in your business that move the needle.


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