Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

279 Facebook Page Engagement | RETOO

Why is it so hard for real estate agents to get engagement on their Facebook page?

If you're feeling like you need engagement…

That you need to post a lot…

or you don't know what to post…

Maybe you're starting to feel like pages is just a huge waste of your time.

You should start doing things that generate you leads, get you into conversations, give you appointments and give you referrals.

If you're looking around for a simple & effective ways on how to engage in Facebook page, this episode of RETOO 279 is the best for you!


Show Highlights Include:

0:00 INTRO - 4 Core Real Estate Lead Generation and Referrals

01:42 - Few Mistakes of Real Estate Agents in Facebook Page Engagements

03:37 - What's my Style of Posting?

13:33 - TAKEAWAYS from this episode of RETOO

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

278 The Solution Might Not Be Next To the Problem | RETOO

The solution is probably not next to the problem.

Whatever your problem is, or the problem you have, you might try to find the solution to close that problem.

You probably have to move away...

You have to move out of that problem to get a new perspective and to see the big picture.

Just remember,

If you're feeling stuck...

If you've lost momentum...


It might be further away than you'd hope for, but that might be where the solution is.

Show Highlights Include:

0:00 INTRO - 4 Core Real Estate Lead Generation and Referrals

1:13 - Start the Problem and Work your Way Backwards

2:55 - Sleep Example Technique 4:05 - How to Solve a Problem?

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

277 4 Core Ways for Real Estate Lead Generation and Referrals | RETOO

If you want more real estate leads, more referrals because ultimately you want more appointments and closings, there's really only four core areas that I believe that you can generate real estate leads and referrals.

I see it!

I know that you see it!

There's content marketing, advertising and your Newsfeeds saying here are 50 ways to get real estate listings. There are 33 ways you can get more real estate buyer leads.

But really who has the time to try 101 things when looking for that specific result?

THE REALITY is you only need one way to generate real estate leads, but the problem with only having one way is that it can be a bit scary to put all of your eggs in one basket.

It may not be consistent.

There may be more ups and downs.

Things change on you a little bit more, whether that is the market or technology, or just what's working at that moment or things go crazy.

Show Highlights Include:

0:00 INTRO - 4 Core Real Estate Lead Generation and Referrals

2:36 - Real Estate Referrals with Earn and Return

3:17 - Real Estate Leads with Attract Free Leads

4:28 - Pursue Real Estate Leads

5:40 - Generating Paid Real Estate Traffic

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

276 Building a Real Estate Team | RETOO

If you're a real estate agent who wants to sell more real estate and have more consistency with your transactions and have more free time, then this episode 276 of real estate team of one with Darin Persinger is for you!

According to NAR 2018 team survey, 26% of realtors are members of a partnership or a real estate team.

That feels like a lot!

There are many reasons why an agent would want to start a team.

Maybe because they want more free time.

Maybe they have so many leads, they can't service all of them.

Maybe it's just their ego.

Maybe it's insecurity.

If they don't sell more, if they don't reach a certain number, if they don't do a certain number of transactions, if they don't do a certain volume....

They feel like they're not enough.

There are many other challenges that you're going to face in growing and scaling a real estate team. But these 5 reasons that I’m going to share are good to start.

Show Highlights Include:

  • 5 reasons why it's hard to launch and grow a real estate team

    • Finding the time to grow the team while you're still selling real estate (06:22)

    • Not having a good real estate recruiting plan (07:47)

    • Not being a good leader or manager (09:46)

    • Micro-managing (12:30)

    • Not holding the agents accountable to activities (13:56)

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

275 Why Generating More Real Estate Sales Or Bigger Team Might Not Be The Answer | RETOO SHOW

When it comes to selling more real estate, the common thinking is that you need to do more:

generate more leads.

sell more homes.

build a bigger team.

Episode 275 of real estate team of one with Darin Persinger

But what if doing more actually moved you further away from your goals, and overall happiness?

What if you start thinking about getting closer to your goals or ideal outcomes instead of trying to generate more real estate leads and build a bigger real estate team?

Does growth always mean more?

This episode will discuss how you can get closer to your goals by focusing on the right things, not more things.

Show Highlights Include:

  • Does more make you happier? (01:45)

  • Setting the right goals and having clarity (07:03)

  • Getting closer to your goals (08:22)

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

  3. Want to work with Darin? Visit

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

274 Be Curious, Don't Judge | Real Estate Team of One

Katherine and I started watching this great show called Ted Lasso in Apple TV+ recently.

Ted is calling out this owner and said, “You know, you took me for granted, you didn't have very high expectations of me. You thought low of me and I think that's because you're not curious. A lot of people never took me seriously in my life and my career. They didn't think I could accomplish a lot and I didn't realize what that was. I thought maybe it was me, it used to really bother me until I read this quote that “Be Curious, Don't Judge.”

When you look at your prospects, your leads, your sphere that you're trying to generate more referrals from, how many of them are curious?

And how many people judge?

Show Highlights Include:

  • Ted Lasso Show in Apple TV+ (0:50)

  • Comparison of being Curious and Judging in Real Estate (2:42)

  • Darin takeaway from the TV show Ted Lasso (4:42)

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

  3. Want to work with Darin? Visit

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

273 Daily Show Up Becomes Real Estate Team Of One | Casual Friday Daily Show Up

Daily Show Up becomes Real Estate Team of One...

Youtube channel  and Podcasts are still going to be there... It's just gonna have a different look and frequency.

273 episodes of Daily Show Up gives me a great foundation to launch the Real Estate Team of One Show.

I'm super excited! So don't go anywhere and stay plugged in!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Introducing Real Estate Team of One  (0:14)

  • Daily Leads and Appointments Guide (2:42)

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

  3. Want to work with Darin? Visit

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

272 7 Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make | #7 Not Getting Referrals

If you're not getting referrals, it could be an ask problem or an offer problem.

You're asking for referrals too infrequently, at the wrong time or in the wrong way.

You might come across as begging or annoying. It might feel like your clients are doing you a favor instead of you helping them or their friends and family. You're taking instead of giving value.

Or you're not providing a solution that your sphere finds worth sharing or don't know how to share it.

If all you're doing is calling every 90 days and asking, "Who do you know who wants to buy or sell..."  maybe they don't like being put on the spot with an “ask” from out of nowhere.

Do you like being caught off guard and asked for referrals on the spot?

From article:

Show Highlights Include:

  • Quick Recap (0:40)

  • Darin talked about the 7th Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make (3:40)

  • Real Estate Is NOT About Relationships (6:00)

3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

271 7 Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make | #6 Not Having A 5 Star Offer

If you want 5 Star Reviews and to get 5 Star Referrals, you need to give 5 Star Service, related to a 5 Star Offer.

Not being able to concisely, clearly communicate what you do to help a buyer or seller, not only costs in your marketing and conversion, but also in getting referrals.

If you can't explain what you do and how you do it, why would someone in your sphere, who isn't you, doesn't know real estate, be able to explain to a friend why they should contact you?


  • Know their pains and problems.

  • Have a solution to fix each pain and problem.

  • Back it up with proof and a promise.

From article:

Show Highlights Include:

  • Darin talked about the 6th Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make (1:02)


3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

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Darin Persinger Darin Persinger

270 7 Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make | #5 Tracking Time Instead of Results

If your background is either being paid hourly or salary, if you've not been self-employed, it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing on hours worked, instead of results achieved.

This leads to 10-12 hour days, 6-7 days a week. Which ultimately leads to burnout.


The reason you cannot increase your production and productivity by working more hours is because you will just fill up the hours with more activities, tasks and projects.

By working more hours… by sacrificing more time… you’re simply working more and longer. 

Working more hours in a day or a week doesn’t equate to success.


  • Before you start trying to do more transactions, I want you to cut back the hours you are working.

Cut back. 

Do less.

What you are doing here: you’re finding your pace. 

Once you find your pace and you get comfortable with it, you can start to increase it.

It's about priorities. 

It's about doing things in the right sequence.


Show Highlights Include:

  • Darin talked about the Fifth Costly Mistakes Solo Real Estate Agents Make (1:10)

  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss (2:55)


3 Things To Do Now:

  1. Sign up for Darin’s emails

  2. Subscribe to Darin’s YouTube channel

  3. Want to work with Darin? Visit

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